Marriage Tidbits

3140 of 89 items

Different Ways to Show Your Love

by Nancy Connell

Happy Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is upon us once again. The day that many people spend more time thinking and planning to do a little something special for their spouse or loved one. Being a follower of Christ we have been called to walk in Love at all times. Love has many different languages and […]

3 Steps of Barrier Breaking

by Nancy Connell

Have you noticed that there are issues in your marriage and that you seem to keep hitting a brick wall? One of the biggest obstacles in marriage is not being able to admit or see the blockage and that barrier could be within you. Once you have realized you have a barrier in your marriage, […]

Barriers In Marriage

by Nancy Connell

Do you feel like there is something that is blocking love in your marriage? Take a moment and reflect on your own behavior and attitude in your marriage. How do you treat your spouse and what kind of thoughts do you honestly have about that person? If you find that you have any negative feelings, […]

It Is Christmas Time

by Nancy Connell

Christmas time is a time that many families set apart time to come together and show their love one for another. Whether this love is shown by giving a gift or visiting home for the holidays, or even a simple phone call to someone you may not have talked to in a while, the spirit […]

Measure of Thankfulness for Your Spouse

by Nancy Connell

In this season of Thanksgiving and the change of weather and time, it is also a time that we need to reflect upon where our lives are and where they are headed. In this same theme, let us reflect on our marriage and see just where we are at in our marriage. How thankful are […]

Be the change You Want Your Spouse To Be

by Nancy Connell

Everyday comes challenges and changes. In marriages, things seem to be very celebratory in the beginning. Much grace is given to the spouse because the “blindness” to their flaws is still there. In a way it is actually very close to the scripture “Love covers a multitude of sin.” It is not like the flaw […]

Marriages and Addictions Part 2

by Nancy Connell

What is an addiction? According to the dictionary an addiction is defined as the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Addictions is not reserved for just drugs, alcohol, sex, eating, gambling, or things that have been known to be associated with the word addiction. There are many other […]

Marriages and Addictions Part 1

by Nancy Connell

Addictions is one of the top things that is causing many divorces to take place and is destroying the lives of millions. It is not a light subject. Pornography, alcohol, drugs, gambling, even the addiction of lying or addiction to eating doesn’t just destroys or break the person who is addicted but it also causes […]

Women Shut Your Mouth

by Nancy Connell

It is time that we women who carry a role as wife and/or mother need to learn to shut our mouths to our husbands and open our mouths in prayer. Homes all across this land are falling apart. Many ideas from society feed the mentality of doing things for self and is very narrow minded […]

Is Your Marriage Perversion Free? Part 2

by Nancy Connell

Last month we proposed questions to get you to think about your sexual life with your spouse and to face whether or not it is lined up with God’s Word or is it laced with perversion. As you explore these issues you will find that one of its roots is a problem in covetousness. Let’s […]