Posts tagged with ‘Pastor Barbara Lynch’

4150 of 444 items

Fresh Word – June 9, 2021

by Pastor Barbara

Perhaps things will not change!  Why do you think they will not change?  I have spoken change into the atmosphere and change it shall be. This entire event of change is taking the world by surprise because they were expecting one thing and I am doing an entirely different thing. This world needs change desperately […]

Fresh Word – June 8, 2021

by Pastor Barbara

Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing is going to look the same when all the dust settles. Even My church will be unrecognizable.  I am coming to purify My people all across this land and I am bringing My Glory Cloud that will settle upon the peoples and lives will be changed in an instance. […]

Fresh Word – June 6, 2021 (#3)

by Pastor Barbara

I am in Love with My Bride. This is a love that never fades.  It is not the carnal Love you see being demonstrated in the world; it is pure unadulterated Agape Love of the Father for His Bride.  My Love far transcends earthly affection. My Love will bring you to the heights of Glory […]

Fresh Word – June 6, 2021 (#2)

by Pastor Barbara

Prophetic word from the Sunday morning teaching Love Letter from God the Father You are My chosen generation. I have chosen you to do a very specific works for Me in this hour. You are the redeemed of the Lord and I say hold onto that truth and go forth unhindered by chains of the […]

Overflow Words – June 6, 2021

by Pastor Barbara

Prophecy that occurred during the Sunday Evening Worship Service on June 6th 2021 Can you really believe Me tonight? Can you really believe that I can perform the miracle that you need- no matter how big or how small? Can you really believe that I am bringing My Glory all across this land- and it […]

Fresh Word – June 3, 2021

by Pastor Barbara

When winds of adversity blow your way, step aside and let them blow right into the Heavenly realm.  As you allow them to bypass you, you will find yourself walking into more peace and joy. These winds of adversity are meant to blow you off course, but their assignment need not be accomplished.  You are […]

Fresh Word – May 30, 2021 (#3)

by Pastor Barbara

Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV)1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV)6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. There has […]

Fresh Word – May 30, 2021 (#2)

by Pastor Barbara

Prophetic word from the Sunday morning teaching Third Heaven The Third Heaven is not a myth. The Third Heaven is where I have been calling you to rule and reign from.  It is your faith and lack of total knowledge that is keeping you from living and operating from the Third Heaven. My Son has […]

Overflow Words – May 30, 2021

by Pastor Barbara

Prophecy that occurred during the Sunday morning teaching Third Heaven. I see Jesus walking among you that are laying on the floor and those sitting in your seats. Jesus is walking among us here this morning and the Glory of God is shining off of Him and that Glory realm, My children is spreading to […]

Fresh Word – May 30, 2021

by Pastor Barbara

Father why are you allowing the degrading of America?  Because My people who are called by My name have still not relented.  They are still backbiting to the point of destruction. They have not learned the art of listening for My still small voice and then following the instructions I give them. There is a […]