My Children, you must at all cost – count the cost each and every day; for the cost will be great at times and only the strong shall survive.  Each day as you take up your cross of – no compromise – you must also take up your – shield of faith; for it is only by faith that you will be able to cross over to the other side and defeat every dragon that you come across. You are My mighty army; and My angelic host are at your command; but it will take GREAT FAITH to continue on in this battle for souls.

Be a partaker of My Divine Wisdom and never look to yourselves for wisdom; seek and you shall find the wisdom needed to accomplish the great task that lies before you each and every day. The enemy is about his business of stealing, killing and destroying – you must be about your business of carrying out kingdom directions.

This is the last hour and much is going on and much needs to be accomplished.

Be strong and of good courage and never quit.

Your Father has spoken and so shall it be!