The walk with God is full of unexpected paths and gifts. As Evangelist Barbara Lynch began her ministry, she was led by the Holy Spirit to many uncharted territories. During this time she was come against and was accused that what she was doing was not of God. She pressed on in her callings of prophecy, evangelism, and exorcism. But it wasn’t that easy- she had to learn how to stay in alignment with The Holy One. It was as she did this that she able to walk in these new paths God was leading her in.
For instance, for God to open our eyes to these new and unexpected paths, we need a gift from Him- the gift of discernment. We can not use this gift properly unless we are aligned with Him and His ways. Listen to this teaching from someone who has been there and done it, and you will learn how to use the gifts that God has given you to prepare, position, and align yourself with the paths that God will open up to you.