A house on fire cannot be divided.  As My Holy spirit fires spread throughout My houses, you will see unity begin to spread like wildfire.  Then and only then will My Glory be poured out like never before.  My children you have waited a decade for this precise moment and now it is upon you.  You shall see Me move mightily in your midst and there will be no stone left uncovered; for I will bring My Healing like never before.  You shall see Lazarus moments.  You will see a new move of the Kathryn Kuhlmann anointing.  I promise children, the church world has never seen a move like I am bringing upon My church of believers.  Peter’s anointing will be brought forth once again and those who believe will carry this anointing to the nations. 

You talk about excitement – excitement will be brought to a new height.  Peoples will rush into the stadiums to be healed of all kinds of diseases that laboratories cannot heal.  The Covid-19’s will be no more; for My anointed ones will carry My Presence and where My Presence presides, the fire to heal is there.  Nobody and I mean nobody has seen this kind of miracle working movement in church history.

When they ask you where is this man Jesus you speak about – you will say look unto the hills from whence cometh your help. You will lead them to My Son Jesus because of the Glory that you carry to perform the mighty tasks that lie before you.  Many will shake their heads and marvel that healing is in your hands.  Children you have paid a high price to carry this Glory – do not pull back thinking you are unworthy.  You are worthy just because you are My Child – never forget that.

This is the hour that I spoke about in Joel chapter 2.  Many and I say many, signs, wonders, and miracles will be wrought by the hands that are clean before a Sovereign God. The hospitals will be put out of business because of the anointing that destroys all the works of the evil one. Those who are dying of diseases will be brought back to life once again and proclaim the goodness of the Father.  The world will be turned upside down because of this demonstration of My Mighty Miracle Healings.  The dead will be raised back to life and proclaim liberty in Christ.  Many will begin to visit Heaven on a regular basis.  Children this is the time you are living in – step into the moment and stay there.