My children, do not hold a person’s past against them and keep them in bondage of the time that I am bringing them out of and setting them free. For unity to truly be birthed and take place you are going to have to trust Me that I know what I am doing. Listen very intently to My voice and allow Me to lead, guide, and instruct what I want to happen and be obedient to do so.

There is going to be massive growth and changes taking place as you place your whole mind upon the things of Me and not of this world and the distractions of life. Why do you talk yourself out of thinking upon the things that are good and to stay in My peace? I have called you to think upon the things that are good, to stay in My peace, to claim and speak of the things that I have spoken as if they are. You are to do this because what I said shall come to pass.

If I have told you that I am healing you, I am. If I have told you that I am providing for you, I am. If I have told you that I will use you, I am. Quit trying to do all these things upon your own understanding and in your own way. This will only hinder My hand from moving because you have placed your own strength into the mix.

Proclaim My Word and walk in it. Be about My business and I will be about yours. My children, you look at your works and expect them to produce in the ways that only you can understand, but you are not seeing that I am blessing you in other ways for the things that you are doing.

Example, if you are writing books as I have asked, but they are not making money – do not be discouraged but look that I am blessing you through other means. I do not want you to think that you have to be blessed in one way or your heart will idolize the work. It will not stay pure and holy. The motives will change and it will no longer be about going out to spread My Word. Pay attention for I am teaching you something and I want you to get out of all types of discouragement and get excited for the lessons that have come. In due time these things will take place but I am building up your faith to see that I can work in other areas but I still want you to continue to write the books. It is in your obedience that I can bless.

Look at the blessings that I have already been giving you. Look at all the times I have come through for you that you were unable to do for yourself. I will continue to come through for you as your mind is upon Me and seek wisdom in the things that I am providing. I do not hold your past against you, but I rejoice with you for your future.

Do not get caught up in your past or bring judgment to someone’s past. As I have commanded you to let go of your past, I want you to let go of other’s past. Watch what a blessing they will be to My Kingdom. Many lessons have been learned in the past season and this is a new season to apply the wisdom and knowledge that has been taught.

Apply what I have given you and watch it prosper. Embrace the new assignments that I have given you and see that I am going to move in ways that I have not done in the past because there is a new beginning that has taken place. All is going to work out for the good of My people and to shine My Glory and bring the sinners home. Those who were last shall be first and the first will be last.

You are not going to be able to embrace the sinners if you are going to hold their past against them. They need a fresh start. They need to know that as they are stepping out of the old man that the new man will be accepted. They need to know that they will be given room to grow and mature into what I have called them to do.

My children, see to it that you do not be guilty of holding anyone in the place of bondage but to release them and watch the freedom transform them. Watch My freedom bring them up into the Heavenly position that I have given them. Use wisdom in this area and pay attention to the change – no matter how small. Do not despise the smallest of change for even a small seed can produce a tree that will stand strong and produce much fruit as it matures and is maintained properly.

It is a hardened heart and an unteachable spirit that I cannot work with. These things do not bring change or walk in it. Their selfishness has become their ruler and has left no place for Me. But those who have allowed Me to soften their hearts, you are going to see the greatest comeback in this hour and great and mighty things shall take place.

My Kingdom is prospering and many great miracles are going to take place but hold fast upon the Words I have spoken and walk them out. You will see that you already have your miracle now it is time for it to come to the surface. It will be a testimony for all those around you that I am God and I do take care of My children.

As you seek Me, you will find Me, and I will give you the things that you so desperately need. Be ready to receive it in the most unusual ways. Do not look at the circumstances and situations around you because if the enemy can keep your eyes upon this, he will steal the blessings, healings, and provisions I have to give you.

Wizen up in this hour and see the weakness of your ways and allow Me to be your strength. Endure the sight with joy, praise, and laughter knowing that I am working out things that cannot yet be seen but have already revealed what it will be like. No loss shall come to you, except the loss to make room for the gain that I desire to give you in this hour if you just keep your eyes upon Me and your ears upon to hear My voice. Chin up and be encouraged this hour that I am truly working all things out.