My children, today is a day of new beginnings, great hope, and life changing opportunities. Get your eyes off of the things around you and put your eyes right upon Me. There are smoldering fires still in your heart and as you focus upon Me, the kindling of My love will bring the fire back to full blaze. All you have to do is believe, receive, and you can press forward.

Stop all the shenanigans. Stop all the should of, could of, would of, would not of, didn’t, won’t, haven’t and all the excuses to be in self-pity and discouragement. I am not a God of condemnation but I am a God who corrects My children and keeps them in a place where they are safe and secure in My hands.

I will not baby you. I am growing you up. I will not force you to do what I have asked you to do. You must be willing or I will pass on and use the next person who is willing to surrender and allow Me to just be in their lives. I love you, but I am not doing you any favors to baby you as you lick your wounds instead of giving the wounds over to Me and allow true healing to take place.

I have given you all power and authority to bring EVERY thought into captivity that would exalt itself above Me. It is up to you how long you will stay in the valley of complaining and with only a smoldering of a fire for Me. Be very careful that you do not smother this fire or it will go out and then it will be too late.

Allow the oxygen of My presence to stir up the life and bring forth the flames. Allow My love to kindle the flames and bring forth the light that will draw many souls to My footstool.

Rise up this day and see things for what they are and move on. Quit dilly dallying and let’s get to what I have created you to do. Get into My Word and find more on Me. Do not choose to love My creation more than Me. Do not miss positioning things in your life, but fall in love with Me. When you truly fall in love with Me, none of this other stuff will matter. It will truly be all about you and Me. Everything else will just be a bonus that takes place in your life.

Rise up today in new beginnings and putting one foot in front of the other and walk forward. Allow the hope to rise and the fire ablaze. Life after life will change today and it is up to you how it will change. Will you be the fire carrier or a fire put out? Will you have a new beginning walking with Me or away from Me? Search your heart. Make up your mind, and then just do it with all your heart. You may be very surprised in how it all turns out.