Today I want you to look past your own understanding. Today I want you to drop the religious nonsense. I want you to get real with Me. I want you to not hold back, but to grasp the reality of what is in your heart and how it got there.

Who do you think you are fooling? I see it all and I know it all, so who do you think you are hiding from? It is time to get out of the fantasy of your reality and see things for what they are.

This is a time of great healing and radical changing. It all begins with believing and knowing Truth. It begins by allowing My Son to shine upon the darkness that is in your hearts and exposing what is going on in there. It is allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal what has taken place so that the roots can be removed.

Then you have to allow My love to saturate the foundation that the lies have grown on and destroy it. It is the time and the hour where I am placing new soil of truth, that has been nurtured in My love, to be placed down as a foundation. New roots of My Truth will take place and your life will change.

Darkness cannot reside where the light of the Truth can be found. So what is blocking the light to come in? What sin are you still holding onto? What thing have you not let go of due to fear, doubt, and unbelief? If you have let go of the known things that have been separating you from Me in My fullness, now it is time to be revealed to on what you did not know.

Surrender it to Me and let the roots be removed. Lasting and true freedom will take place when you finally let down the walls and allow My Truth to take deep root and your life will never again be the same.

John 8:32 (NIV)
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.