Do not be surprised by the things that I am having the Holy Spirit bring back to your remembrance of the things that I have said you will do. I am bringing you back into focus on the calling I have put upon your life. I am going to show you the things that have been missed and things that need to be done so that you can move forward in the fullness that I want you to be walking in.

As these things come up from your bosom, from the hidden places of your heart that I have placed these things, do not allow your own understanding to run with what is being revealed. Instead, bring them to My feet. Ask Me what do I want you to do and how I want you to do them.

Many of you are stumbling because you take one thing and run with it instead of seeking guidance. You are taking on your vision of what I am saying and not seeing it through My eyes. Do not allow zealous attitudes to take you off course. Instead, run into My presence. Run and get before My face. Sit at My feet and wait to hear what I want you to do. When you do this you will see that all will work out just as I have said and My Will shall come to pass in your life.

Get focused. Get things in order and in balance. There is much work to be done for My kingdom and still so few workers that will do it. Get out of self deception and self understanding. Look through My eyes and through My discernment and you will see what I have in store for you.