I heard this tonight during the Blood & the Power Revival praise and worship service.

I am the God of all breakthroughs.  What I have done for others I will do for you.  I am not a far off God, I am a God who loves His children, who cares for His children and you shall see Me rise up on your behalf’s and move the mountains that are looming before you.  You shall see them fall like never before, they shall fall and crumble and be as dust.  I am with you My children.  Know in this hour that I am for you and not against you.

My fire, My power, My blood is overshadowing you in this hour and no man or woman shall ever be able to stop you because I am working your miracles out for you in this hour.  Great and mighty shall the signs and wonders that shall be for you My people.  You have been faithful in your lean places.  You have been concerned for the things that I have been concerned so know that what I am bringing you into is gonna be worth it all.  It will be worth all the suffering, all the degradation, and all the pain that you have suffered for Me.  You shall see My children, you shall see.