Posts tagged with ‘kirstie alley’

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Kirstie Alley Says Exposing Kids to “Perverse” Topics Will Ruin The Young Generation
July 8, 2021

by Pastor Barbara

“Cheers” actress Kristie Alley warned that exposing children to the perverse online and America’s open-mindedness will lead society to accept pedophilia in the future.

The conservative star began a Twitter thread last week after watching something she considered jarring television.

“We’ve gone too far in my opinion. I feel sorry for our children,” Alley remarked. “Their exposure to everything perverse on every kind of screen is mind-boggling. And even more tragic, it’s being hyped as ‘normal.’”

She went on to explain that children have too much access to disturbing content online.

“No other generation has had such easy access to the underbelly of humanity,” the actress continued. “SO many screens & chronic bombardment of images and concepts. Our current society would have been praising Caligula. Protect your children.”