Posts tagged with ‘intense treatment’

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A 21-day Intense Treatment Is Coming Into My People” Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX

by Pastor Barbara

Dear Advancing Ones:

The Word of God is alive – full of power and like a sword, dividing a person’s soul from their eternal part, the spirit. As a result of this incredible power, the Word causes our hearts to change. I believe this change is both spiritual and physical. Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”

Satan’s greatest strategy is to stop you from hearing what God has to say to you. He knows that when the voice of God penetrates you, it goes deep into your bone marrow and rearranges the cell structures within your body. He knows it has a powerful effect on the blood flow within your body. When the Word of God successfully penetrates us, when we allow it to be stored in our hearts and develop the way we think, our blood system begins to be purified. The Spirit of God literally begins to invade our blood structures.

On Sunday morning, the Lord released an unusual word about His Blood penetrating us:

“I AM putting you through 21 days of intense treatment. My Blood will become hotter than the blood that is running through your body and, by the Spirit, it will begin to find cells that have not been found. These next 21 days will be a time of divine, intense treatment. A 21-day intense treatment is coming into My people. I AM about to do something in you in these next 21 days that is different than [anything that] has ever been done before!”

The Blood War

The war over the Blood is one of the greatest conflicts that the Body of Christ must understand. We must never forget the war will always be over the Blood of our Lord and how we worship Him. The antichrist force is always against the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. As the war escalates, we must discern this force and declare the victory of our Lord through His wondrous Blood. As John said, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). With an entire chapter on “The Blood War,” God’s Unfolding Battle Plan will help His Spirit to increase in your blood!

During these next three weeks, I believe it’s vital we allow His living-and-active Word to transform our blood and bodies. You have a glory that the Lord has placed within you that can begin to move and uncover what has been hidden. If you’ll fan the glory, it will push out the iniquity that has caused you to miss opportunities in the past and it will cause you to hear His Word. Your heart will rejoice, and you will have strength to embrace the treatment He is administrating.

I declare, every place in your body that has lost its strength, because His Blood was inactive, will now come alive. I call for a new release of His Blood to go into every extremity of your body so that there is not a single place of weakness or infirmity. I decree that the joints which cause God’s people to connect and move in different ways will have a new blood flow, until we all come to the unity of the faith.