
Bernice Scheidler, Redmond, OR

Aug 7, 2024

On the morning of August 2nd, while in prayer, I heard the Lord say the word “August,” then I saw it spelled out in front of me as “Awe-Gust.”

I heard the Lord say, “August will be a month of AWE, and like a GUST, My Spirit will blow through the month of August!”

A gust, by definition, is “a short, strong, sudden rush of wind” (Collins Dictionary), or “a sudden increase in wind speed above the average wind speed” (

Get Ready for the Winds of Change!

The Lord says, “Get ready for the winds of change! They will come like a gust. Many will be awed by the sudden changes that will take place during this month. From the White House to the ‘Light house,’ My Spirit will blow like a mighty rushing wind and bring change! The sudden force by which it comes will be a sign to you that I am the Sovereign Lord!”

“And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” (Acts 2:2 NKJV)

He Has Heard Your Prayers The Lord reminded me of the story found in Daniel 10. The angel of the Lord appeared to Daniel, telling him that his prayer had been heard by God from the very first day, but that he had been held up (detained) by the prince of the kingdom of Persia (principality), and that the angel Michael had come to help him.

Many of you have been in waiting; many of you have been praying and feeling a delay in receiving answers. I believe the Lord is wanting to reassure you that from the very first day you began praying, He heard you, but that there has been a fierce battle in the realm of the spirit concerning the destiny of His people in this hour.

Two Things That the Enemy Is Warring Against I saw the enemy warring fiercely, specifically over two things!

The first thing the enemy is warring against is the authority upon the house of God! One of the ways the enemy has been doing this is through a relentless, strategic assault against leaders in the house of God.

We recognize that the Lord has been at work bringing exposure to hidden darkness within His house; however, this is not that!

The Lord says, “The wind of My Spirit will come like a gust and push back the powers of darkness coming against My anointed ones!

“My house will shine! My house will stand like a city set upon a hill that cannot be hidden! It will be a beacon of hope, and every promise will be fulfilled!

The second thing the enemy is warring against is the righteousness riding over the nations! The enemy is working to dismantle the righteousness that exalts our nations. He has been doing this using lies that parade themselves as truth, weakening the nations in order to overtake them.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:  34 NKJV)

But the Lord says, “[I]f My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:  14).