By Evangelist/Pastor Barbara

President Donald J Trump is My person of the hour. I will finish draining the swamp through him and bring clarity into the Whitehouse once again. As you know, this world is hanging by a thin thread. It will take nothing to cast it into the filth of the world. But I will not allow that. I brought America forth and made her a strong tower that other nations could run to.

Just watch and see what I am doing. What the enemy meant for America’s downfall, I will turn around for her good. I am in no way finished with America. She will be great once again. This generation of fighters are determined to take back the land and take back the land they shall.

You shall see bloodshed on the streets of America, but the bloodshed is needed to restore. You shall see Marshall Law on the streets, but that is also required. Vengence like you have never seen will spread across this great land called America. As your forefathers fought and died to claim the land, you are now fighting once again to hold the demarcation line.

Victory belongs to America. Stake your claim, hold the line, and fight. You have all of heaven’s weapons at your disposal. USE THEM WISELY!