Last week a Trump-appointed judge ruled AGAINST the Biden Regime and in favor of WE, THE PEOPLE – demanding a temporary pause in communication between “administration” officials and Big Tech employees.

And when the Justice Department appealed the decision, he struck that down too.

This judge was presented with MOUNTAINS of evidence of what both Big Tech and the radical Left has denied for years…

Big Tech takes its marching orders from the radical Left – including government officials.

Judge Doughty is finally taking a stand against this unholy alliance – and we have President Trump to thank for this.

This is an incredible win for free speech, and it wouldn’t have been possible without him.

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are the most popular way to share information.

And when one party has a monopoly on them, free press and free speech cease to exist.

The email exchanges in this case are beyond damning.

White House officials barked orders at Silicon Valley, pointing out specific accounts they wanted taken down for spreading so-called “misinformation.”

But as you and I both know, “misinformation” is just Leftist speak for opposing their agenda.

This is just a preliminary injunction, and the Left won’t take it lying down.

But this decision makes me optimistic for the future of our country.

America can still be saved.


David Horowitz

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