Weapons of Mass

If you or I had committed even a fraction of the Biden family’s crimes, we’d both be in jail by now.

But the Department of inJustice (DOJ) and our Fraudulent Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have a separate set of rules for the Bidens and everyone else.

When a whistleblower came forward and revealed the Bidens’ shady practices with China, instead of investigating his claims, our Injustice Department charged the whistleblower.


The rule of law is going extinct in America, Barbara.

The highest levels of law enforcement have become nothing more than partisan thugs.

They no longer serve the Republic.

It’s clear as day that their allegiance is to the Regime.

Can these institutions be redeemed, or should the next President of the United States completely disband the DOJ and FBI?

According to the whistleblower, the Bidens made payouts to Chinese military officials and had a mole in the FBI sharing classified information with a Chinese energy company linked to the CCP.

He even brought this information to the FBI back in 2019, and they did nothing with it.

It doesn’t seem to matter who’s in the White House – these organizations operate as arms of the Deep State, doing their bidding, lying to and openly antagonizing the American people.

In a congressional hearing, Rep. Matt Gaetz asked FBI Director Christopher Wray if he was protecting the Bidens, to which he replied “absolutely not. The FBI has no interest in protecting anyone politically.”

It’s like it’s a joke to them, Barbara.

Hunter Biden was using his father to sell influence abroad – and we have reason to believe Joe Biden was in on it.

But if you or I dare protest election results, or show up to a school board meeting, or post a meme, we end up on watch list at best or in prison at worst.

The truth is, they’re flexing their power, because they want us to believe their power is absolute.

They want us to believe there’s nothing they can’t get away with.

But this corruption isn’t sustainable.

When the illusion finally breaks, and everyday Americans realize the country they grew up in no longer exists, and that the institutions they trusted have destroyed it, the FBI, the DOJ, the Bidens, and every crooked bureaucrat in Washington will have to answer for what they’ve done.

Our job is to use our unique insight and intel to break that illusion as quickly as we can.

And none of our work is possible without you.


David Horowitz

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