Greetings Lighthouse Inc., Church Family,

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In Christ,

Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch

Rejection once had a tight rein on my soul—and I didn’t even know it. All I knew was I always felt like there was something wrong with me. I often felt like nobody really cared. I felt misunderstood most of the time. I often felt like people were talking about me behind my back. If I walked into a room or down the aisle in a store and people were laughing, I was sure they were laughing at me.

Maybe you can relate. If you feel rejected, you are not alone. Rejection is common to man. It’s what you do with it that defines you. You can reject the voice of rejection. You can sever the roots.

Rejection is dangerous. Rejection works subtly to destroy your self-esteem and your purpose. Rejection causes you to feel sorry for yourself and play the victim. Rejection opens the door for other spirits, especially Jezebel, to build strongholds in your mind. Rejection spurs you to reject other people before they have an opportunity to reject you. Rejection wants you to base your worth on what you do instead of who you are in Christ.

I hope this video helps you discern the voice of rejection in your life!

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