Greetings Lighthouse Inc., Church Family,

I wanted to share a testimony from a member. God has been gifting us with the Open Heavens. She has been having some powerful encounters with the Father.

I hope this encourages you to continue to wait upon the Father.

In Christ,

Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch

From Rev. Astrid Sherriff

“I had a vision when I was in the church on the floor. I saw smoke and hummvee’s coming into the New York City area. I could see Baltimore and Washington DC destroyed from nuclear warheads coming from the water (by China). I saw the northern part of Delaware City around the old bridge destroyed. I could see people trying to evacuate… they were lost because they didn’t know what was going on.

I heard the Lord saying, “Preach to My people repent while there is time, My coming is getting closer.”

I saw the Lord coming into my room, I was laying on the bed and He told me the night before last weekend, and He showed me His love. I saw a gold face with beautiful eyes, but it was His fire. I was sleeping, he said, “Rest, I am pleased with you.” (That was last Sunday.)

I saw us helping people, but a lot of death and much suffering is coming into this land. But I saw at the same time miracles and healings and I could see His scrolls in Hebrew and the instructions of what He wanted me to do.

Today this morning the Lord came and reminded me to preach about repentance. He was so eager for me to get it done, what I am saying is obedience and hearing Him is key. We must do it right away. He is teaching me to act quickly and see who He is in many ways, His love is amazing.