Men should be working diligently inside their own families to keep them free from demonic infestation. But, instead, the enemy is prowling around, seeking whom he can devour, and he is attacking families at this given time. WHY? Because he knows I am working to bring families together in total unity to defeat him at every turn.
Men, you need to learn to Pray for your family instead of constantly calling someone else to pray for them. Men, you are the priests of your home. You have authority over the enemy; use it. When you do not pray for your own family and rely on someone else to do so, you show the enemy you do not have faith to believe I will answer your prayers. You are telling him you have no power or authority. The enemy then starts a plan of destruction in your family to devour at every turn.
I Peter 5:8 Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone whom he may devour. The words express the restless energy of the wicked one. He cannot touch those who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.
Men, you need to pray like never before. First, you need to pray until you break through to the Heavenly Realm. Next, you need to pray until you feel the atmosphere of darkness that surrounds you break. Then, you need to pray, and as you pray, enter into the courtrooms of heaven; state your case; watch Me move on your behalf. The enemy is tricky, but he does not have the authority you have in My Kingdom.
Men, take your rightful places in your families and watch the enemy flee on all sides. Watch your wives and children look up to you as a Priest and protector from all darkness.
Today your family is celebrating Father’s Day; become the Father I foreordained you to become.
Isaiah 60:1