Prophetic word from the Wednesday evening teaching Anointed Ones

The Christmas I promised you is finally upon you and I am dropping My gifts upon all those who have given Me their all.

These gifts are unparalleled with any you have been given thus far.  The anointing to destroy every yoke of bondage is in the gifts. The enemy will flee on all sides and where there was darkness, My true light shall prevail.

The overall purpose for these unique gifts is to thrust you forth into the miraculous.  The harvest that is coming into My houses of refuge have scars that only this anointing will be able to dissolve. The pain, torment, and loss of limbs is great in this harvest of beaten souls that I am sending you to. 

Once you realize that I am in total control of {these gifts,} you shall walk in the newness of life that I have been speaking of for quite some time now.  {Romans Chapter 6}

The poor, downtrodden, and broken hearted will need the gift of supernatural compassion. The scarred bodies will need the gift of supernatural healing.  Normal healing will not reach deep into the depravity of the souls of the lost and dying.  The scars of rejection are so deep that it will take this special anointing to bring them back to life once again.

You have been perfected to the point of security in Me and you will know that no matter what you place your hands to do, I am in the midst.

This harvest of souls will be free to go forth and proclaim My Gospel, and they shall be secure in Me.  This is the end-time harvest I talk about in My Word, the harvest that will be on fire for Me. This will be a football stadium harvest, and you who are sitting here this night will be the ones that will minister salvation of all types to the people.

I placed you under stringent training. Training that will not fail during the darkest trials.  You have planted your feet on solid ground, and you have refused every advance of the enemy.

I call you My beloved ones. You are the disciples that would not back down and definitely would not allow the enemy any foothold. You are My trusted ones, the ones that I can place in the fiery furnace, and you will not bow. I have shaken and shaken until every Judas was gone. And now, all that remain are the faithful few.

You no longer know the word discouragement.  All you know is victory on all sides.  I have watched you shout the phrase Hallelujah over and over again, even when your heart was breaking.  You shouted until the victory shout overrode the despair shout.  You stomped your feet on the enemy’s head over and over again.  You smiled for the world to see when your heart was breaking. 

You are finally at peace with yourself and Me.  The world has lost its hold on you, and you know that Heaven is your destination. 

How I smile when I watch over you.  How I shout victory with you.  We are in an hour when the darkness will destroy all that will not receive My Son Jesus into their bosoms. We are in a time of great tribulation all over this land.  The enemy has been roaming the land persecuting My followers, and he has found out that My followers will not cave in, they will not bow to his intimidations any longer, and they will not curse My name.

The flood gates of Heaven are open wide, and there is absolutely nothing that I am withholding from My faithful few. You have free access to come and go as you please.  All of Heaven is at your disposal.  I have anything you need. Just ask, and you shall receive.

Please no longer talk about wanting to come to Heaven to speak with Me.  {Do!}  I am waiting with open arms for your visitations.  I so want you to see for yourself what Heaven is all about, so you can take it to a lost and dying world.

This new war that is coming upon the land will be fierce and unrelenting.  It will bring all of hell with it.  The land will be overrun with gross darkness, but among all this darkness, My lights will shine and break the barrier between Heaven and earth and many souls will be brought into My Kingdom. 

I don’t only want you to hear My voice and believe, but I want you to see for yourselves that Heaven is real and My Kingdom authority is yours for the taking.  This is the authority that breaks down every barrier.  This authority will cause the enemy to tremble as you speak My Word to the lost.  The enemy will come screaming forth, and he will leave the broken vessels. 

You have taken up the banner of love and peace, and you will take it to all those who have given up hope.  You will break down every wall of despair, and you will show the world that there is a Triune God that loves them.

You have finally picked up the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  You have finally come to grips with the fact that you are Mine, and there is nothing that can pull you out of My loving arms.

Children, there is not much time left to bring in the harvest, and you will need to free yourselves up to do this mighty work of harvesting.  I will speak to you in your prayer closets, and I will give you divine instructions, and you shall know which way to turn, and you shall know where to place your feet.  Your feet are cemented in Me, and no one can remove them from that place of security in Me.

Why do the heathen rage?  They rage because they have only known darkness.  But this is the day, and this is the hour when they will finally know light.  It will be just a glimmer at first, but it will keep glowing until it becomes a light so bright that it will dispel all darkness.

Many, and I mean many lost souls already in the abyss because the workers were so few.  The few workers I have were diligently training future darkness breakers.  But now, I have raised up an army of warriors that will not fail Me.  They will go the extra, extra mile, and they will not complain.

You have found out what {your} worth is, and now you will go forward in {sold out knowing}, and tell the lost ones what {their} worth is in Me. They will trust your words, for they will be anointed words coming from the Throne of Grace that will draw all men unto Me.  You never need to wonder what you will say to the lost, for I will do the speaking, and I will do the drawing.  All you have to be is an open vessel that I can pour out of.

Stop and think of where you were and where you are now.  This is your testimony that will draw all men unto Me.  This is the truth that is real, and the lost will see that it is real, and they will want what you have.  Saints, I already have the harvest marked for My Kingdom.  All I need is the vessels, and you are the vessels of honor I am using.

Children, you have seen nothing yet.  You just wait until you see the auditoriums overflowing with the lost. They will be sick, dirty, stinking, and every imaginable form of human life.  Some will need their minds restored to wholeness once again.  Their minds have been so tormented by the throes of darkness that they will no longer know who they are.  But as you go forth with the anointing that destroys every yoke, every demon of mind control will flee, and then wholeness will set in.

Do you see? Do you comprehend what is happening around about you? Do you understand that the fullness of time has come? Do you understand that you are making the way in the wilderness for the second coming of My Son Jesus of Nazareth?  Do you understand that you are the {special} forerunners set apart for such a time as this? {Galatians 4:4}

{If} you can answer yes to all those questions, {then} you are fully on your way to breaking the sound barrier between the lost and heavenly  knowledge.  They will understand what is happening {after it happens} for it will be so sudden that they will want the world to know about My Kingdom {Mark 7: 33-37}.

{Forthright} is the word of the hour.  Be forthright little ones and come forward in truth and power.  Never lead a lost soul astray with words that {try} to save.  Just be forthright and explain the Kingdom of Light and then allow My Holy Spirit to finish the works. {Forthright-direct and outspoken; straightforward and honest}.

The grand finale will be something to behold. It will be a thing for the entire world to gaze upon.  The ones that would not receive Me when I was wooing will stand aghast and wish they could enter in, but too late. This will be the time of the 10 virgins. 5 were foolish, and 5 were wise. {Matthew 25:1-13}.

There is not one single soul that will be able to say they did not have an opportunity to serve the living Father.  For the Gospel will be preached to the entire world before the Second Coming of My Son Jesus.  The entire world will know of His love and His goodness before He returns for His bride. {Matthew 24:14}

There are those who will stay behind to minister to the lost and dying, but I will take care of them and keep them safe from all harm. 

This is the hour of total and complete resurrection.  This is the hour when all will see that My Word is yes and amen. The entire earth has been groaning for this time in church history, and it is finally here. {II Corinthians 1:20}  {Romans 8:22}

My prophets who stood when there was no reason to stand, they will reap the harvest, and they shall stand among the mighty ones. 

When you think you have seen it all, I will bring another wave across this land that will totally amaze even the elite.

What I am doing has never been seen before.  It is a brand-new thing, and only those who truly know Me will understand what is happening.

Remember, there will be wars and rumors of wars during this time frame, but that will not hinder this mighty move that I have brought you into.  In fact, it will cause this new wave of My Glory to become stronger and stronger. {Matthew 24:6}

The government is undergoing a total and complete overhaul at this given time. You are seeing My mighty hand at work through all of this.  The corruption had to be dealt with and My Son Donald Trump is still working out My plans of draining the swamp. 

Never for one minute think that I am not in all that is going on in the government.  I am lifting their skirts, and everything that is dark and foreboding is being uncovered.  You will see many in prison, and even some will die of unexplained illnesses.  Do not allow this to take your eyes off of the harvest, for the harvest is the most important event at this given time.

I will make America great once again, and she shall no longer bow her head in shame and regret, but she shall walk proudly and wave her banner of Peace and Love once again.

I am still pulling others from the backside of the desert. These are the ones that have just come into My Kingdom and do not know to the full extent what I have taught you.  But they will be anointed and able to destroy the yokes off of the lost and dying.

You will go in, and you will go out.  You will know what it is to have more than enough and to share what you have with the less fortunate ones.  There is never going to be a lack of supply in my storehouses.  {Deuteronomy 28:10-12}

The need is great, but My supply is greater.  Just go forward with love, grace, and peace and allow everyone to meet My Son Jesus in {you}.