Jesus has breakthrough in store for your life. When you came to Christ you came to a place that was much different than where you once lived. You came to a place where all your limitations were destroyed. The chains that held you down were released by the power of the Blood of Jesus.

I have known the Lord for many years, but I am always amazed when He heals me so that I can be more fruitful. Recently, I had a financial problem that was causing me some concern. The fear that came as a result was so strong that I could hardly think of anything else. Each time I thought of the situation I would see my children and my wife, and a sadness would come over me as I thought of what would happen to them if I lost everything.

I didn’t see this as a problem at first…it was just a thought that came into my mind. We can have many thoughts like this and we certainly do; we might be aware that these thoughts are there or we might not. These thoughts, if left unchallenged, can destroy you. You need God’s light and His Word to wash over you. Every thought must become obedient to Christ.

How to Have the Mind of Christ

2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “…Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” When we have thoughts that exalt themselves above Christ, we are essentially believing something that is not from God. Isaiah 55:8 says, “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,’ declares the LORD.”

His thoughts are the highest that you can have. There are no thoughts more powerful than God’s for your life, and His thoughts are refreshing. They release life and liberty. Thoughts that produce depression, fear and turmoil in your life do not come from God. You need to seek God and receive His Word for your situation. When you do receive His Word, you will feel very different than before His Word became a revelation. We need our thoughts to be transformed by the mind of Christ; our thoughts need to be formed by Him. We cannot allow even one of our thoughts to not originate with Him. Each one of us has to fight this way, on a daily basis.

“‘For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct Him?’ But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16)

The Battleground of the Mind

The battleground of your life is in the area of the mind. God intends to win that battle, but you must allow Him to win. Each time you recognize a thought that is causing pain and death in your life you must subject that thought to Christ, ask Him to transform it, and He will.

When God showed me that I had a fear that my family would be hurt if I lost everything, He was highlighting this in order to make my life better. He didn’t want me to stay under that thought; He wanted me to rise above it, but first I had to be aware I was having that thought.

During my past trip to Asia, I began to write down my thoughts regarding the situation. As I wrote down the fears I was having, and I saw that I was afraid for my family, I asked God why I was afraid. He said, “It is linked to your grandfather.”

My grandfather was a good man. When he was my age he ran a couple of successful businesses, but then he lost everything. He had 8 children. I have 7 children. Our lives are very similar. His children were negatively affected by his loss; I was afraid that I would lose everything, and that my children would be affected in the same way. I repented to the Lord for believing this lie and then He began transforming me.

A Gift Store in Heaven

I had a dream shortly after this and saw myself in Heaven. I was in a store and there were many beautiful things there. It was like a gift store for God’s children. I felt excited to be there! The atmosphere in that store was glorious and filled with wonder and bliss.

Then, I saw a gift. An angel was standing at the counter in that store and he had my gift—it was a well. It was a small pottery piece about 1 foot high that I knew was actually a well.

The Well That Never Runs Dry

I asked the Lord what it was and He said, “This is the well that never runs dry.” Jesus said to the woman at Jacob’s well, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would ask Me, and I would give you water, and you would never be thirsty again” (John 4:10, paraphrased). He was referring to the waters of Heaven. Certainly every time we drink water we know we will need to drink again. But the water that we receive from the Father is so satisfying that it will change us the moment we drink it.

Revelation from the Father is much like that. When the Holy Spirit changes our thoughts, our old thoughts no longer cause dissatisfaction inside of us. We are no longer miserable and thirsty. Thirst represents dissatisfaction and a need to be filled. When we are thirsty we can actually experience pain. God’s Word so transforms us that thoughts which once caused pain and dissatisfaction are destroyed, and His new thoughts satisfy us. When we drink of the water and thoughts of Heaven, allowing Him to transform us, we are no longer the same; we never encounter the old pain again. That is why we need to let Christ transform our thoughts daily, because as we do we become more free.

So I pray for you today and ask God to renew your mind and your strength. I ask Him to give you a hope and a future. I ask Him to bring you to the well that never runs dry—the many thoughts of God which will bring lasting satisfaction. God bless you.
