Prophecies that occurred during the Sunday morning teaching Humility

Word #1

When I send you out, it’s going to be with all power and all authority. You will not need to be concerned about what anyone thinks or says or does. I am anointing you this day with humility; the humility of My Son Jesus. And when My Son Jesus went out, He went out with full power and full authority. He was not concerned about what anybody said about Him, He just knew that I had sent Him to do a perfect work. I want each one of you in here this morning to receive that revelation knowledge and I want you to quit even wanting your family to honor you. I will cause you to receive honor when you receive true humility.

Word #2

God said there’s many Esthers being raised up in this room today. Mighty women of valor that have gone through the thin and the thick of hell and you’ve learned to steady your hands and stay the course and God has put you through the furnace of affliction over and over and over again purifying you as pure gold. And now you’re going to begin to hear God’s voice of assignment. He’s going to be telling you exactly what He wants you to do and how He wants you to do it.

He’s saying Do not sluff off My voice. Listen intently to what I’m saying to you and do. Just do. If I have called you, then I have already made the way for you. Just walk the path that’s before your feet. It’s a new path, maybe even a strange path at times. But it’s still the path that I’ve placed your feet upon. Each one of you Esthers that’s in this room this day, you know who you are because you’ve paid the ultimate price you’ve gone through hell more times than you care to go, but My Esther’s I say unto you this day:

I was with you at every venture, every turn in the road, and I brought you to this place so I can use you to further My kingdom and to snuff out the darkness that lies all around about.