Prophecies that occurred during the Sunday morning teaching Houses of Refuge

Word #1

God is saying this is not a budensome thing He is doing this morning. It’s a spiritual thing. And those of you who are truly desirous to go into the Heavenly realm, you’re going to be going there and God is going to show you the mysteries of the Heavenly Realm.

Word # 2

I am the Resurrection and I am the Life. I have come to sup with you this day, people. I have come to draw you nigh unto Me. I will bring you up into My Throne Room. I will give you deep mysteries just as I did John. But I say unto you: be prepared for persecution. Be prepared for rejection. But in the midst of all this you will go forth with great signs, wonders, and miracles. And you will do a great and a mighty works for the Father of all lights. This is not a mundane thing that is occurring here this day. This is a lifechanging event. I am changing you from the inside out and you will preach My Gospel to the lost and the dying; the rejected ones, the hurting ones. Stay close to the fire. Cry out to Me.

Word # 3

For all of you in here this day: You are My chosen ones. You are My special breed. You’re a wild bunch. You don’t give in easily and you know what the enemy has done to you and you’re going to start fighting Him tooth and nail, and you’re going to win every battle. Children, Children, Children, I call you children because you’re sweet and you’re innocent before Me this day. And you are so willing to learn what it is that I want you to do from this point forward. You are so teachable right now. Stay teachable. Stay soft and gentle. Learn to rejoice as children rejoice. Learn to play and laugh as children do. For you are My beloved ones in whom I am well pleased.