I would like to wake us up and allow us to get our minds off the mess going on with this election hog wash.  President Donald J Trump is truly a man of integrity and he has done all that he has promised for our country.

Does everyone understand what is truly going on here?  What is truly going on; is that the enemy has used this bazaar ploy to take our eyes off of what is transpiring around about us.  The enemy has a far greater plan to destroy America than this election.  This election is just a smoke screen to draw us away from his latest exploits. 

Listen to what is going on around about you.  The far-off nations are planning plans to destroy America and while we are fighting over who is right and who is wrong.  Who is president and who is not, the enemy is devising a plan to wipe America off the map.  God has spoken and so shall it be.  We know who the president is, and we know he will remain the president.  Biden is just a ploy of the enemy to keep the smoke screen going so we will not in any wise become wise to his devious plans.

Church since when did our Father give us the opportunity to second guess what He has promised us?  God is in control always and we must be at our assigned posts doing what we are called to do. Where are the intercessors?  Are you at your posts? Are you crying out for deliverance like never before?  Does not My Word tell you to stand at the gate and proclaim liberty, truth and justice to the foreign nations who have rejected Me?  Does not My Word tell you to not waver in your heart of hearts?  Does not My Word tell you that no weapon formed against you shall prosper?

Have you truly looked at the weapon the enemy has formed against you {Biden}?  What do you see – what kind of fruit does this enemy produce?  Does his fruit line up with My Word? Absolutely and I say absolutely not.  His is anti-christ fruit. Who are you aligning yourselves with?  President Donald J Trump was born for such a time as this and he will accomplish all that I have foreordained him to accomplish – he bears good fruit – fruit you can eat.

Look around about you and see the utter havoc this fake election has produced.  This is anti-christ havoc and prayer is needed to abort the enemies plans.  I have the outcome of this election already in place.  Now My Body needs to be at war to abolish the enemy’s plans.

Take your eyes {not your prayers} off the current state of affairs and look up from whence cometh your help and never once again allow the enemy’s smoke screen to take you off course.