Prophetic word from the Sunday morning teaching The Great Return

Children you must return back to your first love.  You must return back to the basics in My Word.  As My Son wept over Jerusalem, I am weeping over My people this day.  I have chosen you to be a special people. a people who I will use to bring holiness into a region of total darkness.  I have warned about this day and I have spoken peace – peace in a troubled world.  Children, I am the great I am and I am with you at all times.  I am the one that breathed life into your nostrils.

Come back little ones.  Come back to your first love and receive all that I have planned for your lives. Now I say unto you, come up hither this day – this hour – in this moment, and receive all that I have for you.

My arms are opened wide and I have all the treasures of Heaven at My disposal.

The souls are crying out for mercy, just as Abels’ blood cried out.

Who will show them mercy if you do not?

Who will bring the love of the Father to a loveless generation – if you do not?  Who will go into the drug infested ghetto’s and speak of My saving grace – if you do not?

Who will go for Me – if you do not?

Who My children will do the Greater Works that needs to be accomplished in this dispensation of time – who?

I will tell you who – the ones that have been crying in the wilderness.

The ones that have stayed the course when no one knew they where there.  The saints that stood when there seemed no reason to stand.

Are you one of these?  Are you the one that night after night you cried out for My Glory to drop and save {the church}?  Are you the one that did not grow weary in well doing?

I tell you a truth Children of God – I know who the desert dwellers are and I know those who sit in My houses of worship with their minds stayed on the darkness.

I am speaking to the latter.  You who have made a mockery of My houses.  You who refused to come into the Third Heaven but would not allow others to enter either.  I have been crying {come up hither} and you would not heed that cry.  You are the ones I am speaking to. You have been a stumbling block to those who need to come in and I am doing away with all stumbling blocks.  does not My Word speak {woe} to these?

{Return} to your first love today. Did I not say this was the time for the {prodigals} to return?  Did I not say that I am waiting with open arms to greet you back into My Kingdom?  Children, I truly wait with open arms to welcome you back into My precepts.  Nothing but total happiness awaits all those who follow My precepts.

Truth be told, there are many standing on the edges of eternity that so desire to come {back} into My houses of worship; but they feel so unworthy because of their sinful ways.  Children, children, My beloved children open up your hearts and welcome back into the sheepfold those who have gone astray.

Welcome back into the sheepfold those who still love Me and have repented but the shame of their backsliding holds them at bay.

Children, children, be My arms and My legs.  Run to those who desire to return; kill the fatted calf and throw a party on their behalf.  they were once lost but now desire to be found.  Will you be the one that I can send to bring in the lost and dying?

This will take loving at all cost.

This will take dying totally to flesh.  This will take trusting Me like you have never trusted Me.

This will take being just like My Son Jesus.

The trumpet sound has gone forth and the harvest has already begun – open the gates wide and bring the prodigals back into the sheepfold once again.