Prophetic words given during the Sunday evening worship service Immersion
Word #1
God is saying that many in the Body of Christ are caught in a web of confusion and despair. And you’re caught in that web of confusion and despair because you’re not truly immersed far enough into His heart of Hearts. You’ve touched His heart, but you have not immersed yourself into His Heart, and you don’t know His very heartbeat. You just know the very outside of His heart, but tonight, He wants you to know the very inside. And right now, He’s really moving in this sanctuary, and if you’ll just open up your heart, He’ll allow you to feel His heartbeat. He’ll allow you to know exactly what He feels like. The air is heavy with the Spirit of God, now just receive what He’s trying to reveal to you tonight. Open your heart wide, open your arms wide and just receive all that He wants to give unto you. He is the Great I Am, He is your Everlasting Father.
Some of you have a hard heart, and He wants to melt that hard heart tonight. He wants to take that heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. He never wants you to embrace darkness ever again.
God said some of you have been in solitude, you’ve been in a place where God can’t reach you. Because in your mind, you’ve placed yourself in a place where you thought you could keep yourself safe, but it isn’t working, and you’ve placed yourself in a place of solitude. Allow God to take you out of that place of solitude. Allow Him to become real and alive within your life.
Word #2
God is trying to give you brand new mindsets, just allow Him into your mind right now and allow Him to take out what is not of Him. And allow Him to give you the mind of Christ. And God is saying, The spoiler has been working a long time in your mind, and he’s trying to convince you that you’ll never belong to God. And that is a lie. That is a lie. You need to quit believing the lie and you need to start believing the truth.
A brand new mindset, when the new mindset takes effect, you’ll have a brand new heart, and all confusion (will be) broken. God wants you tonight to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh. Just allow God to move on you in such a way that you will no longer try to figure out what you are going to do in life, but you’ll go to the Father, and you and Him will sit down and talk, and He’ll tell you what He wants you to do.
God is saying the biggest storm that will ever hit America is on the way. And He needs you to be geared up and ready to minister to the people that the storm is going to affect. The storm will not affect anybody that is His. You have to remember that. It’s only going to affect those who are not His. Are you ready for such an assignment? Are you truly ready? Are you built up in your most holy faith that God can use you- even in your deepest sorrow God can use you to build up someone else. Even in your deepest pain in the very depth of your heart, that nobody knows is there except you and God can He use you to minister to the lost and the dying?
Paul ministered to the people when he was in prison knowing he was getting ready to die. He still ministered to the people, he didn’t quit, and this is what God is calling us to be- is to be good soldiers of The Cross, and fight the good fight of faith, and never give up.