Prophetic word from the Sunday evening teaching Ready Or Not

Isaiah 2:12
12 “The Lord almighty has a day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled).”

Yes, the winds are blowing and they are harsh winds and some are absolutely destructive winds! Everything that does not stand under the power of My Word and is not anchored in Me shall be shifted and blown and shaken, and at times the winds of drastic change will draw away the dross from the wheat.

I am sifting and shaking, and shaking and sifting again and again until My people understand they do not live in a time where making demands and commands to Me operate well.

I am looking for a people who will bow low enough before Me and get quiet and seek {My will,} My will for planet earth!

This world is fading away quickly and is corrupted each day more and more to go the way of the flesh.

You must put away the noise in your life and enter into the place where in the center of the storm is the eye.

My eye is upon the righteous; My eye is upon those that are fruitful and faithful; and fruitful to Me may be different than fruitful to you!

You cannot serve two masters, yet many have tried to justify the shutting away of My convicting voice when I have told them to go back and make right the situations where they have done grievous damage to others who are supposedly their family members in Christ.

If you cannot repent and get relationships right in the Kingdom now; I cannot use you to forge new relationships in the future in My Kingdom.

If you have bitterness, anger, and jealousy in your heart, it will manifest with shaming and name-calling, as well as condescending and destroying another’s capability to serve Me well.

I will not deviate from My plan!

The days of selfish ambition and immaturity are closely coming to an end.

My light, My life, My Word, and My ways are perfect!

I will not deviate from My plan for the Kingdom of God in the earth.

I am looking for a people who will not listen to the accusation of others nor slander and destroy their brothers and sisters because of another’s opinion, or perhaps because they themselves were brought a loving correction or warning and instead, turned around and shamed the messenger.

I see you all and I am fully aware of the things that have been done in My Name to hide behind selfish ambition.

A judgment time is coming!

Know this. I am about to expose those who abuse the gifts; abuse their titles and abuse the finances that I have deemed for the Kingdom and I’m going to bring their names to the forefront to save their souls!

Yes, the whirlwinds may blow, and the storms and winds will be continuing to cycle and swirl.

But I’m looking for those who are willing to stay in the center of My eye, where there is quiet and there is calm and there is discernment, direction, and wisdom for these devastating days.

To those in the center of My eye, I will pour out a wisdom beyond mankind’s understanding and they will rise up and have the words that will bring direction, correction, and light into dark places.

Proverbs 22:12
12 The eyes of the Lord keep watch over knowledge, but He overthrows the words of the traitor.

Proverbs 5:21
21 For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and He ponders all his paths.

Stand prepared, for I’m doing this thing regardless of whether man is ready or not.

I am that I am and I will have My way in the earth, says the Lord of hosts.

For this is what the high and exalted one says — He who lives forever, whose name is holy:

Isaiah 57:15 
15 I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.