Prophetic word from the Wednesday evening sermon Angels Waiting

Children My Angelic Host is waiting like horses at a starting gate to assist you in receiving all that I have promised you over the years. You are getting ready to see the biggest wave of My Glory in church history and the angels are going to help bring it into fruition.

Every word that I have spoken over your life is waiting to come to pass and all I need you to do is let go of self and surrender completely to the words I have spoken over your lives.

That is not such a hard task; seeing as how all you have to do is be obedient to My voice. The rest is already history. It has already been spoken into existence and now I am ready to release it upon your lives.

What have I spoken over you? Then it is coming to pass! But are you willing to receive it? Are you willing to step into the miracle circle and receive all that I have for you?

Some are and some are not. Some are still holding onto flesh and it will take them out of the winners circle. I promise you one thing; you do not have much time to decide if you want to be blessed or not. Some of your minds are so entrenched in your past and your past sins that you have really come to believe the sin is better than what I have to offer. How very, very sad!

Well, one day when it is too late; you will see the error of your ways and that day will be when gnashing of teeth will occur.

Luke 13:28 (TLB)
28 “And there will be great weeping and gnashing of teeth as you stand outside and see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets within the Kingdom of God—”

My Heavenly arsenal is full of weapons of warfare and there is no reason why you cannot win every battle the enemy throws at you.

Stand your ground and fight! Stand your ground and win back the ground the enemy has stolen! Stand your ground and watch the Angelic Host fight your battles for you.

This season I am releasing a new company of angels – angels of My Presence. These are the angels of your destiny. Certain angels will move with you but others will be assigned to your special assignment.

My Angelic Host are constantly listening for your voices. They stand at attention to hear what you are saying and when you repeat what I have spoken over your life they are immediately sent forth to accomplish My Word in and for your life.

I created you, My children, and I am a faithful Father and I will never leave nor forsake you in any given situation.

You know how to speak negative words. You know how to try to manipulate people to do what you need. Now why will you not speak forth the words that will activate one of the biggest weapons in your arsenal – {The Angelic Host!}

Children it is miracle working time and My Angelic Host are waiting to bring the miracles to you.

My children this is the day and the hour that I so desire to show My Self mightily on your behalf. It is the hour when the greatest show in the Heavenly realm begins for My chosen generation. Will you be partaker of the open heaven?