The word for today seems to be Roller Coaster.  So many of My children act like they are on a Roller Coaster ride when in fact I did not place them there.  I have given clear cut instructions to each and every one; and if you do not know what they are, then you were not listening to My Still Small Voice.

Go back into your quiet place and allow Me to give you your instructions all over again, so you can walk in surety of footsteps and not falter along the way. I have cemented your feet on The Rock and I can’t for the life of Me figure out why your feet keep slipping off The Rock.

My Son paid the ultimate price so you could walk that straight and narrow road and He never meant for you to take any side roads along your journey.  But sad to say some have taken too many side roads and those roads have left them dazed and confused about life in Me and also in the world.

You need to quiet your soul and you need to come into the quiet place and rest in Me and know with surety of heart that I am your Father and I will never leave nor forsake you and I am in full and complete control of all things pertaining to you and your walk with Me.

Matthew 7:13 (ESV)
13  “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.”