Prophetic word from the Sunday morning teaching Longsuffering

Longsuffering is a gift that My body does not embrace.

My body wants Me to be longsuffering with them; but they do not want to give those around about them the same grace.  I am {commanding} longsuffering at this given time.

What is longsuffering all about anyway?

1}Longsuffering is when you stay with the unlovable no matter how long it takes to see them through the darkness they are encountering.

2}Longsuffering is when you will die to self and at all cost keep loving them through the difficult storms of life.

Do you think that when I send in the world they will automatically be set free from all pain and bondage?

Do you seriously think they will be glorified?

No!  They will need understanding, love and whatever it takes to set them free from all bondages of darkness.

You see body, you still do {not} comprehend the scripture that tells you: do not forget from whence you came.

Ephesians 2:11-13 (NLT)
11 Don’t forget that you Gentiles used to be outsiders. you were called “uncircumcised heathens” by the jews, who were proud of their circumcision, even though it affected only their bodies and not their hearts.
12 In those days you were living apart from Christ. You were excluded from citizenship among the people of Israel, and you did not know the covenant promises God had made to them.  You lived in this world without God and without hope.
13 But now you have been united with Christ Jesus.  Once you were far away from God, but now you have been brought near to Him through The Blood of Christ.

Ephesians 2:19-22 (NLT)

19 So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people.  You are members of God’s family.
20 Together, we are His house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets.  And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus Himself.
21 We are carefully joined together in Him, becoming a holy temple for The Lord.
22 Through Him you Gentiles are also being made part of this dwelling where God lives by His Spirit.

Where do we go from here church?

What do we do next?

We love like never before!  We walk the throes of hell and we pull the lost and destitute out of the fires of hell!  That is what we do!

But the only way we can do this is by using the gift pf The Spirit {Longsuffering}

I gave you that gift right up front.

It is not something I threw on at the end.  You see I know all things and I surely know that longsuffering is needed more than ever at this given time; for the world has been turned over to every degradation imaginable and many, many souls facing the eternal fires of damnation if My church does not arise with longsuffering in their wings.

Compassion is also a byword that My church has long ago forgotten.

I have shed My compassion upon the church; but as  usual the church does not want to shed the same compassion upon the lost and dying.

Since when are you the only ones that need compassion?

Since when do you think that just as I bestowed longsuffering and compassion on you that you need not give it out to others?

How lopsided is this church?

How and when do you ever think that I would allow this kind of lopsidedness?

I have forever proclaimed that My body needed to be well rounded; but that has gone right over your heads.

Get your head out of the sand and look up and know that the hour is late and I need willing vessels that will die continually day in and day out to my calling upon their lives.

I need you to lay down your own agendas and pick up Heaven’s agenda for this end time dispensation.

Souls-souls-souls is what Heaven is shouting! Heaven has always shouted souls; but now as Heaven invades earth all earth should be resounding the voice of Heaven {souls at all costs}.

Someone paid the price to save your soul; so where is your longsuffering and compassion?

Come My children.  Come out from amongst the world and be totally and completely immersed in Me and work the works that need to be worked at this given time.

Shout!  Shout!  Shout the victory at all cost.  Never for one instance allow the enemy to have a victory.

You are in the victory circle and he is outside the circle.

Keep shouting victory and thrust that sickle in and bring in the harvest of souls that I so long for you to bring in.

Run, run towards the Roar of the Lion of Judah; for that Roar is full of My might and My power – never for one instance believe anything else.

Have I not said you are the victor?

Have I not said there is no weapon that is formed against you that shall prosper?

Did not My Son die for you?  Did He not lay down His life and allow His blood to be shed for you?

Then why can’t you do the very same thing for other lost souls?

Why can’t you die to self daily and pick up your cross and go forth as My Son Jesus did?

Could it be selfishness?

Could it be doubt and unbelief?

Could it be that unforgiving nature that says: You deserve what ever you get world!

Come My children, did I do that to you?  Did I turn My back upon you?

Absolutely not…I sent My Son to The Cross to die and  rise again so you could one day sit in Heavenly places with your Maker.  I am the great I Am and I never leave nor forsake My peoples.

Yes, it is true that the lost have done terrible things; but since when is their sin more devastating than your sins were?

I am love; I am longsuffering; I am compassionate; I am full of grace and that grace covers all sin.

I need you to become just like Me and I need you to carry those gifts to a devastated world that has no hope for the future.

My Word tells you that greater works will you do than what My Son did.  Do you not believe My Word?

Do you not believe that there is a greater works out there that needs attending to?

If you believe this – than you have to also believe that i need workers in this harvest field.

Will you be one of those workers?  Will you lay aside all of your needs, all of your opinions and will you just go forth full of My Glory and get rid of all compromise and just do?

Do the works of the Kingdom of Heaven here on this earth.  Help Me prepare for the second coming of My Son.  This harvest must be brought in before the event of the second coming occurs.

Time is so short and souls are going into the abyss every day.  You can stop some of the flow into the abyss by taking up your cross and following me daily. The seconds are ticking away and the works are not yet completed.

Come forth right now and surrender all of yourself to Me.  Come forth and allow all of Myself be poured into you for this perfect works that will be accomplished.

I love you church and I am standing this morning waiting for your surrender.

Will you come?