Prophetic word from the Wednesday evening teaching  The Shed Blood of Jesus

The reason for The Cross was for the atonement for sin and The Blood was shed for all infirmities that you would ever encounter.

It would be safe for you to say that The Blood is the atonement that will last forever. The Blood of Jesus is the new covenant between Me and mankind.

Hebrews 9:9-15 (TLB)
9 This has an important lesson for us today. for under the old system, gifts and sacrifices were offered, but these failed to cleanse the hearts of the people who brought them.
10 For the old system dealt only with certain rituals—what foods to eat and drink, rules for washing themselves, and rules about this and that. The people had to keep these rules to tide them over until christ came with god’s new and better way.
11 He came as high priest of this better system that we now have. He went into that greater, perfect tabernacle in Heaven, not made by men nor part of this world,
12 And once for all took blood into that inner room, The Holy of Holies, and sprinkled it on the mercy seat; but it was not the blood of goats and calves. No, He took His own Blood, and with it He, by Himself, made sure of our eternal salvation.
13 And if under the old system the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of young cows could cleanse men’s bodies from sin,
14 Just think how much more surely The Blood of Christ will transform our lives and hearts. His sacrifice frees us from the worry of having to obey the old rules and makes us want to serve The Living God. For by the help of the eternal Holy Spirit, Christ willingly gave Himself to God to die for our sins—He being perfect, without a single sin or fault.
15 Christ came with this new agreement so that all who are invited may come and have forever all the wonders God has promised them. For Christ died to rescue them from the penalty of the sins they had committed while still under that old system.

The Blood of My Son Jesus is a weapon of warfare that My Children never use. I have asked My Children to use all the weapons in My Word but for some reason they never think of The Blood as a weapon.

From this night forth I want you to never forget the power in The Blood of My Son Jesus that ran down Calvary’s hill.

In this Blood lies all power and all authority and in this Blood lies the weapon that defeats the enemy at every turn.

Hold fast to what you have little ones and know that My Son Jesus did not hang on that Cross in vain. There was a plan and a purpose for everything He went through and you were always on our minds as we made the final plans of redemption.

You need to take this glorious message of The Blood to all that you meet. Do you know that there are those sitting in the house this day and this hour that have never heard of the healing powers of The Blood of My Son Jesus?

I am expecting you as vessels of honor to take that message to a lost and dying world and church. If My ministers would only teach and preach the truth, there would be so few souls in hell at this given time.

My Church needs to turn their focus back on My Word and the truths hidden in My Word. The Cross and The Blood are right there. They are not explained in parables. Everyone that reads The Word for themselves should be able to understand every word in My Word.

This Resurrection time is a time to reflect on The Cross and all it accomplished for you and your descendants. As you meditate on this aspect of My Word, you will draw deep from the wells of truth and you shall receive the revelation knowledge all have need of in this given dispensation of time.

The church focuses on candy and baskets when they should be focusing on The Cross. I did not say there was anything wrong with candy and baskets; but My Word and the reason for this Resurrection time should be foremost and utmost in your hearts and minds.

The Church has grown cold and indifferent to this portal that is open to them. They have lost all hope simply because everything is starting to look bleek and lost. But did I not tell you to place your eyes upon Me and keep them upon Me and I would take care of those things around about you?

Mass confusion is settling in all across this mighty nation and My Church does not have the power to encourage a hopeless generation. Why? Because the power is in The Blood and they have not connected with The Truth of The Blood.

Children, when it all settles and you truly see what I have been trying to get across to you, it will be too late. Please abide under the shadow of The Almighty this night and please use all the weapons of warfare I have supplied you with.

Discernment is another weapon of warfare. You must be able to discern the times and seasons you are in. You must be able to discern the wheat from the chaff. you must be able to discern what is Truth and what is false. You must discern with out a shadow of a doubt that you are Mine and the enemy has no place within you.

Children, that house you live in does not have a welcome sign posted for the enemy. The only ones welcome into your house is My Son Jesus and The Holy Spirit of Truth. Anyone else is an intruder and must be evicted immediately.

Since when did My Son die in vain? If you say He did not die in vain, then why do you keep acting as if He did? Walk in The Light while it is still day and accomplish all the works I have set before you.

One of the things My Son did was made sure he accomplished everything He was assigned to accomplish. He left nothing undone. Can you say that about yourself? I want you to take time to do an inventory check on yourself during this Resurrection time and make sure you are on top of your assignments and you are completing all that you were assigned to accomplish.

Children, I am surely with you and as long as you stay close to The Cross, you will not falter nor fall along this path I have set your feet upon. The Truth is The Truth and there is no lie in The Truth. My Word is yes and amen and there is no lie in Me. If you don’t know anything else this night, get this Truth into your spirit man and keep it there and do not deviate to the right nor to the left.

I am surely your mainstay and I will remain your mainstay as long as you are walking this earth. You are My Children and I take care of My own.

Keep in mind that My Son is not in the grave; He arose and He is sitting at My right Hand ever interceding for all of our children.

Romans 8:34 (NKJV)
34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.

One day you will walk the streets of gold and you will rejoice in the fact that I am your maker and I have prepared a place for you in My Kingdom. This is your time to shine for The Kingdom of Light. This is your time to allow all to see who and what My Son Jesus is all about. This is your dispensation of time to bring Heaven to earth.

Remember John the Baptist came preaching repentance and telling about My Son Jesus. My Son Jesus came preaching repentance and telling all about Me and My Love for all humanity. Now it is your turn to go forth preaching repentance and telling all about The Love of The Father, The Trinity and the angelic army.

This is love walk time. This is the dispensation of time when My Love will be seen and shed abroad all across this mighty nation. And this will only happen through My vessels of honor that have paid the price to carry the Shekinah Glory.

Children I am sending you forth with the power of The Blood to resurrect those who are lost and dying; those who have no hope for tomorrow. Those who have never known the love of a father.

It is your turn children. It is your turn to bring Heaven to earth. Go forth with full knowledge that you have all of Heaven at your back and the enemy cannot steal kill nor destroy you.