Has God spoken yet?

No, but I will.. believe Me, I will…

I am not going to tolerate a lack of love out of My stewards of My Word.

I can and shall rip the rug out from under their feet in a split second.

My church does not know how to love as I love…. they do not know how to love as My Son Jesus loved as he hung on The Cross… but believe Me, they will.

This world is searching for love and they don’t know where to find it and they are saying to the church:

“I want to know what love is… I want you to show me.”

This is a vital time and hour to be completely focused on your relationship with Me.  Do not take your eyes off of us and experience My Love in a more intimate level. You need to cut all ties of doubt and unbelief and really let yourself rest in My Hands and trust Me with all that you have.

You cannot hold anything back, if you really want to experience this love journey that I have ready for you. This Love will bring you to a place that you will be able to fulfill what I want to do with you simply because of Love.

There will be no questioning, no second guessing, no selfish intent. The lost souls need My Love. My children need My Love. I gave of My Love, the greatest of My Love when I gave My Son. Receive this gift and see it for what it is and let go of the whispers of the enemy. It is really easy and uncomplicated. The only complication is sin and anything in your being that is in agreement against Me. It is time to make an ultimate choice and come away with Me and be apart of what I am doing.