My children, the time of right now is crucial and the enemy is bombarding and fighting with everything he has to get you to doubt Me and My promises for you so that you do not inherit the promises that I have given you about the land that I have brought you into.

You must drop the formulas of old and seek My face and find out what I want you to do. I have told you to let go of the old things and allow Me to move in a new and glorious way.

I have been wooing and calling and have done all on My end to do, now it is up to you. You must take the first steps. You must quit saying that I said this and I said that so that when things do not work out, people place the blame on Me.

This will not fly anymore. I will not have My name made a mockery of and destroy what I have been building. You either serve Me and bring to the table all you have or you are still serving self. You will see that things will not work until you yield all things over to Me and let Me have full control.

Quit pondering on your own thoughts, feelings, and actions and ponder upon My Word and the things that I have spoken to you. Make the choice to stay focused on Me and quit worrying about what the world thinks of you but instead do what I am telling you to do and just see how I will move.

Now is the time to rise up and take your place. Now is the time that I am bringing you full force into ministry and harvesting the souls. Let go of the petty things of this world and let’s get back to just you and Me and see that when you put Me back first in your life all things will work out.

Come back to your first love. My arms are opened wide to receive you just as you are. It is time to move forward and enter into the inheritance that awaits you and will be exactly what you need to go into the next phase of your walk with ME.