When all else fails BELIEVE that I will come through for you and that I have always been there for you and that I will finish what I started. If you can grasp this concept; then you are on your road to complete peace in all areas of your life.

I WILL show up and I WILL accomplish all that I have spoken and I WILL be there by your side, no matter what the situation.  I am a driving force of energy and I want you to receive that same force of energy this day.

Do not think this a strange thing little ones;  for the foe has been about his work very diligently and he has made some in-roads into My Children’s lives and they are walking around in complexity when I have called them into complete peace and joy.

Rise up this day and be forlorn no longer.  The day and the hour of transformation is here and you shall walk in newness of life and you shall be at Peace with yourself and the circumstances that surround you.

I have surely spoken and it shall surely come to pass. After all, am I not the God of the Impossible?

Complexity: A development that complicates a situation