Prophecy through Sis. Julie Betz.

My daughter, these things you ask I will speak of.

My Stone of Destiny comes from the Hebrews, they put it on My altar for their destiny’s to be displayed in the heavens: for rite and fruition to take place in their lives. Each one of My children have this stone of destiny set upon their lives here on earth to reach back to Me. Some do not get to walk out theirs due to them being led astray by the enemy: he so longs to destroy My children’s destiny. Some do not make it back to Me from this destruction due to their own will.

I have those who help My children stay on their destiny which leads them back home to Me.

My Love, tell My children they all have a destiny from this earth that leads to Me. Tell them if they want their destiny, to pray and ask for it so it will happen and to pray to keep them on the straight path.