Where there was pain there will be healing. I am healing all that has kept you bound. I am replacing pain and anguish with My supreme Joy. When you learn that I am for you and not against you; you will freely accept all that I am saying in this hour.

There is so much confusion in My Body and the enemy is quite busy making sure he keeps My people occupied with distractions that do not amount to anything. Take a stand with Me and know that I am God and there is none other like unto Me.

We have so much to accomplish and so little time to accomplish it in. Why can’t you just enjoy Me? Why is it that you have to maim others to find joy in yourself? That is a question you must ask yourself and keep asking until you get the answer.

I have called you to be Holy, Just and Pure; but you keep holding onto the hand of the enemy and he is driving you further and further away from Me.

This will not stop until you put a stop to it. I have called you to pray for your brothers and sisters; but instead you are constantly tearing them apart. This is not of Me and I will not allow it to go on. I will separate you from Me, if you do not line up with My Word, which is Holy, Just and Pure.

Maim: Injure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration or mutilation