Why do you insist on doing the opposite of what I say to do? This opposition is keeping you from entering into one of the greatest things that I want to do in your life.

Your allowing your mind to wander to and fro – thinking upon all the things that takes you out of My hands and away from My heart. You must silence these thoughts and place them upon what I am saying and do what I am admonishing you to do.

When I say this is the beginning, it is the beginning. When I say stop, stop. When I say don’t turn back, do not turn back but proceed forward. Do not allow the enemy to twist and manipulate what I say and take you to a place where you become disobedient and full of resistance to My Will.

Your perspective is clouded by self-laden thoughts and motives. Get your eyes off of self and upon Me. Do not think to yourself “what am I getting from this” but instead look at what will transpire for the souls that I have placed in your path to bring home to Me.

You must begin to find out who I am to truly learn to trust Me. When you trust Me you will not question Me but embrace what I say and move forward. Now is a critical time in your walk with Me. The decision you make right now will determine whether you will stay with Me or if you will leave Me.

I am not a religion. I am the Truth. I am not in doctrine, but I want to reside in your heart and make it pure and holy. Turn over your mind, thoughts, and life to Me and when you lay your life down before Me, that is when you truly become alive. Choose today.

Be obedient or go the opposite way. Either way I will still love you, but now is the time and hour that I cannot wait any longer for there is much that must take place. It is up to you whether you be a part of it or watch it happen. Choose today to lay your life down for My namesake or choose the world.

There is a works to be done and I need fully committed faithful children to follow through with what I have placed in your hands to do and to never again look back. Is what you have back there really worth missing out on what I have to offer? Only you know in your heart the answer to this question.

Laden: burdened; loaded down.