America is not prepared for what is about to take place. I have spoken and I have wooed. I have lavished My love and brought down My wrath. They will now know of My judgment. They have not relented in their attacks against My son, their president – President Donald Trump. They have not seen that he has obeyed many things that I have asked him to do and because of this I have moved on America’s behalf.

America has still not repented nor turned from their wicked ways. They are quick to receive the fantasy and mind damaging lies of the enemy and divulge themselves into useless wonders and tasks, but they scoff and mock the miracles and wooing of My Holy Spirit. They attack and try to tear down My churches and pervert the things that are good. They will see that what they have scoffed at has been the truth and those who would not surrender their hearts and have heard and did not heed will meet My judgment. I am not going to hold back.

Those who have not heard will be given the opportunity to hear. Those who are seeking will find. Those who have been faithful and true will join in unity and see My mighty hand move upon the lost souls. But those who have blatantly blasphemed Me are going to have their court date with Me and they will reap the consequences for their behaviors.

Many minds have become seared already and they will continue as those who will not give in and give their lives over completely to Me. They will see that they have chosen sin and it did not have to be this way. But despite this My children, dance, rejoice, and prepare for you are going to receive the promise land.

I love My rebellious daughter, America, but she will not bow her knees to Me and the window is just about up for the season of change. The price of disobedience is a price no one should have to pay, and the unyielding heart will have to go through the judgment that will leave a bad taste in their mouth and will know that I, the one and true God, is real and has spoken.

There is going to be mighty shifting in the land and you shall see that the wicked will fall and that this is the season of My people to get the promises that I have given them. Rejoice my children and stay in My loving hands and My judgment will not touch you for I will protect those who come to Me.

Pray for My son, President Donald Trump and his beloved family, my little ones and stand beside the things I have asked him to do and watch the miracles I am performing through him. You will see a turnaround in areas that no one would have imagined.

Rejoice and enjoy the days that we are having together. See that in the midst of all this chaos is My love and it is what overcomes this world.