Pay very close attention to the things that I am going to instruct you to do in the few short days ahead. I am calling you to My table and there is much to be discussed. I want to speak to you each individually about the spiritual warfare that is about to take place. The enemy is prowling and looking to make a strike.

Understand that I am lining things up and positioning things in place because a lot is about to break through and be accomplished. Put away your differences and see the strength in those that I have placed around you.

Listen very carefully to My voice for I am going to show you those whose hearts are not right and where their motives really are. This is a time that there will be a great division but also great restoration. I am going to take veils off the eyes and expose the truth of those who think they are ok and they are not. I have warned and now is the time of great revealing.

I am also going to show you those who are bound but will receive a major breakthrough because their hearts are becoming pure and they are crying out to Me for true change and change that will stay. I am going to reveal new battle plans and strategies and you cannot get caught up in the old ways of doing things because that is not where I am moving. These souls have finally seen the truth and that truth will bring them to their freedom in Me. When they come to you receive them and I will reveal to you their true heart.

So today worship Me in spirit and in truth. Allow the words to penetrate your heart and prepare your hearts for what I am about to say. If your heart is not prepared you will not be able to receive what I have to tell you properly.

Please yield to the seriousness of the hour. Please yield to the importance of entering into My presence in its fullness. So much is about to be revealed, but are you ready to receive and be brought forth in all that I have called you to do? Will you let go of your own understanding and your own stubborn ways and really allow Me to reveal and rearrange all that I want to do in your life or will you miss out on this big move that I am doing and get caught by the enemy?

I am here and ready to give order and instructions. Tune your ears into My voice. Allow the worship to bring you into a level higher than the pull of the enemy and you will see the truth and it will change your life. All you have to do is yield.