As for My church; we are going to have a whirlwind encounter with My Glory and it is time for signs, wonders and miracles to occur all across this land. Take up the sword and follow Me saith the Lord. Do not look to the right nor to the left and definitely do not look behind you.

I am in one place only and that is in front of you… leading, guiding and directing your footsteps. Take your eyes off of the things that so easily beset you and walk in the Glory Realm I have placed in and around you. The Glory is there, just walk in it. Take this Glory to the lost and dying.

I am compelling you to go into the highways and byways and compel them to come into My presence in a new found way. I will be there with you and I will not leave nor forsake you. I will place the words on your lips and you will be astounded with the effects of these words. My Sons and Daughters I have empowered you from on high to bring in the harvest; now go and reap!