There is much I am saying in this hour but there are many people who do not want to hear it. They are shutting their ears and eyes to the Words that I speak and they choose to be blinded to what I am doing.

Much and great devastation is coming down the road for those who have hardened their hearts and have not become true worshippers and servants in My house and in My kingdom. There are no more two faces. I am exposing, and the Truth will reign in My house. I have called My people to be a well-rounded people and one that is true to who they are in Me and to be separated from the ways and things of this world. I will not allow the wolves to devour My sheep. Those who will not get serious with their walks with Me will be removed.

This is a great time for those who are giving Me their all. I do not want you to get caught up in what I am doing with those who would not yield.

What is coming; those who will not open their eyes and ears and concern themselves with those who are not for Me but against Me, are going to get caught up in the whirlwind of judgment and winds of change and will follow them and not Me. This falling away I have spoken about and is upon you.

This really grieves My heart but I have spoken and spoken that these days will come. You must not get caught up in what can you do for people but what can you do for Me and trust that I am doing all that I can for each and every person. It is up to them what they choose. All I am asking is that you love them no matter their choice but stay focused upon the tasks at hand.

There is so much still to be done in My Kingdom for the great return of My Son Jesus. Keep your eyes upon Me. Do not close your ears to My voice, but listen to Me in all that I say and you will not get caught up in the whirlwind or the winds, but you will get caught up in My Glory and all that I have for you.

Do not over think the things you are doing for Me and serving Me. Enjoy your walk with Me and let go of the weights of the world and the stubborn and stiff necked people. This is the time of bringing in the lost and dying who wants Me and those who have not heard of Me. Leave those who have heard and has not yielded into My hands and you will see that all will work out the way I have already spoken.

Be at peace and know that I am God and that I love you. Peace be still with the joy of enduring the race and rejoice in all that is about to take place.