In the darkest hour, a beautiful brokenness can take place. Just as My Son went through His darkest hour, it is then that His love shined for all to see. He could have decided that He did not want to finish and come home, but He chose to endure and finish the assignment that I put Him on. He did it all because of love. It was His love for Me and for you that He did this. I ask you today what does that mean to you?

Your hearts have been hardened and stubborn for so long. When will you look past your woes and complaints and just let love be and reign in your life? So many words of anger and hate has been protruding through the lips of those who claim to be Mine. What image are you giving others about who I am?

I am a God of love and mercy and full of grace. Yes, I get angry. Yes, I bring correction and bring judgement. But My anger does not last forever. My correction is done in love. Judgement comes upon those who are walking in disobedience.

See past your vision and past yourself and see the truth of love. Love serves, endures, and gives and keeps giving. Let go of all self seeking and self centered behaviors. Starve all selfishness and follow the commands of My Word to love Me and others as well as yourself.

When you find yourself in a dark place, choose to be broken by love. Allow the love to bring victory to those dark places and speak life and love. My Son chose to forgive and then went into the biggest battle that brought the assignment complete. Will you fight for those who persecute you or do you cry for justice?

Where is your love? Why have you hardened your heart to become stubborn and prejudice on who comes to heaven? When you finally believe in My love, your callous heart will become softened and life will take a whole new meaning.

Let the brokenness begin and watch the beauty come out of it. And then fight to finish the race that I have set before you. Do this with joy and dancing and you will see My life will take place and you will be rejoicing in the salvation of My love.