One of the most important tools that a husband and wife can use in their marriage is prayer. There are so many people who are quick to complain, lash out, and even give up before they have taken anything before God about their spouse. They find themselves in a whirlwind of exhaustion, frustration, and confusion wondering what happened.

In the Word, Proverbs 18:20-21 speaks of a man’s belly being satisfied by the fruit that comes from his mouth and the increase of his lips shall be filled, that there is power of death and life in the tongue and those who love it will eat of it. So if your belly is full of the words that is coming out of your mouth, what words are you speaking about your spouse? What words, are you being filled by and filling others with about your spouse?

Proverbs 18:20-21 (KJV)
20 A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

If you are complaining about your spouse or lashing out at your spouse the words you are speaking places an impression both to you, your spouse, and anyone who hears it, including your children. That is why the Word says to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to be angry.

James 1:19 (KJV)
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

If you are listening to what your spouse is saying, it very well could give you insight or confirm what God will tell you about what is going on with your spouse. If you are praying for your spouse, you will not become angry so quickly because you will know that God has it all under control and will give you a peace about it. If you find yourself angry at your spouse, ask God and He will reveal to you why you are angry. It is not always a bad thing as long as you respond correctly with it.

But if we are taking our issues to God and praying for our spouse, then He can bring about things to bring change. Sometimes the change is ourselves. Sometimes we think we see things in one way, but in reality it is not how others see it or how it really is. This is why it is so important to be open to receive what God really has to say. To hear Him clearly you have to be tuned into His voice and in what better way to be doing that then productively praying for your spouse?

In what way can we be praying for our spouse everyday?

Husbands, as you are to be priest of your homes you should be praying every day for your wife. Your wives are emotional beings who God has created you to protect, to love as Christ loves the church (which is unconditional and unselfish), and to be there as a teammate to work hand in hand to fulfill your assignments from God, including taking care of your family. She is a precious gift that God gave man so that they did not have to be alone. As you pray for her, you will start to see that God really did give you a treasure and her flaws and mistakes will not seem like a torture chamber but an opportunity to love her deeper, just as God does.

You can start helping her by praying these few things over her every day.

Thanking God for her as a gift to you.

Thank you, God, for giving me my wife as a gift to me. Teach me to cherish her and appreciate her as the gift you have given me. Teach me to support the woman that you have made her and to have the same compassion and patience and understanding that you have with her. Help me to show mercy and grace as you have shown it to me.

James 1:17

Pray a protection over her joy and patience and her strength to be renewed.

God, please protect My wife’s joy and patience that she needs to have strength to face any problem, situation,  or the storm that comes her way. That she will be fully alert and full of Your wisdom and discernment as she faces each task. May You fill her with the boldness and the confidence of knowing who she is in You so that she can be successful in all she puts her hands to do today. Father, increase her joy in You so that her strength also increases in You.

Hebrews 12:2-3; James 1:2-3; Isaiah 40:31; Nehemiah 8:10

Pray for her to want more of God and to see He is all she needs.

God, please let my wife see that You are everything she could ever need. There are times that I am going to fail her, but God, You will not fail her. Let her trust be with You and see that you will provide for all of her needs. Let her security rest in You. Teach me to become closer to you so that as she sees that my relationship is sturdy and strong in you, God, that she will  trust that You are the head of our marriage and that we both put all of our trust in You.

Psalm 121:2; Isaiah 58:11

Pray and shield her from spiritual attack.

God,  I ask that You will dress my wife in Your armor today to protect her from the attacks of the enemy. I ask you to place angelic host around her to keep her safe, fully armed and protected, and higher ranking than any demonic force or weapon that should try to attack her. You are her protector and the Author and Finisher of her life. I know that You will keep Your daughter safe from harm and the enemy will not be able to touch her today and You will give her the strength, the courage, the battle plan to fight back and destroy the enemy. Give her the strength to continue to stand no matter what.

Father, please cleanse her with Your Word and remove any sin that has been placed upon her or that she has committed. Wash her with Your living waters, and of Your Son’s blood and see that she is holy before You. Clothe her in the garment of praise and remove all heaviness, place upon her the clothes of righteousness and of Jesus Christ. Place upon her the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, and give her the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit that with all of this she can stand against the enemy and fight for Your Honor and Your Glory. Let her prayers that she prays to You today be heard and answered and that she has the strength to persevere until it is done.

Psalm 3:3;Ephesians 6:10-18; 1 Timothy 6:12;1 Corinthians 15:57

Pray the her love is increasing for God, for you, and for others.

Father, let her see today an example of Your love. Draw her closer to you and to shower your love even more on her today than you did yesterday that she in turn will come to love you more.

Father, let her see You through me. Change me into Your image so that I will be an example of who you are and that she will see that I will love her more and more every day. And as this happens that she will grow more and more in love with me. Let this be an example to the world of what true love and a true marriage should look like, as a reflection of what you have created it to be. Also grow her love and compassion for others that as we go about doing Your work that she will feel Your heart for the people, including our family. Let her see that she is capable of loving unconditionally because that is how you made her to be. Let her see, today, her full potential in You and be encouraged today to dig in deeper more of You. May our marriage be all that you have ordained it to be.

Romans 8:38-39; Psalm 27:4;1 Thessalonians 2:8

Pray for her health and productivity for the day.

Father, please heal my wife in any area that her body is failing her. Also Father, heal her soul in any area that has been wounded or broken. Help her to stay focused and productive throughout her day. Let her feel loved and cherished by you and help me to show her she is appreciated and loved and all things she does is noticed. I pray that every day she feels healthy, energized, and focused upon You and Your purpose for her life.

I am grateful God that you have given her to be my wife and have allowed me to marry your daughter and I ask that you continue to teach me how to do take care of her and love her how you want it to be done.

Husbands, as you pray for your wife and add onto the prayers by what is upon your heart, you will see changes take place. Remember God has instructed you to love your wife as Christ loves the Church and the one thing Christ does for all of us is forever interceding.