Now is not the time to let down your guard to the enemy but to fight. Fight with My Angelic Host aiding you in every battle.

Do not walk with breeches in the hedge of the protection of your mind. The enemy is after your mind in every way possible. Cast down every imagination that comes against the things of Me and do not entertain them.

The enemy would love to take you out right now. Now is the time to stay close to Me and be about My business.

Push pride far away from you and go out and do the things I am asking you to do simply because you love Me and I love you.

Do not do it in your own strength but in the strength of My love. This is a time to fight the war through spiritual warfare.

Do not isolate yourself but fight side by side in unity. If you see your brother or sister down, pray for them. Do not put your thoughts or imaginations about them but pray by My Spirit and you will see many become resurrected back to life and others will see where they truly are and they are going to go down a hard road that will bring them to a place of surrender or of notification of their calling. The choice is theirs. You must not lean to your own understanding but trust Me.

This is a time to trust Me in all things for My hand is moving in each of your lives and if you push through with your hand in Mine you will see breakthroughs and miracles take place. But you must keep your eyes upon Me and not upon the things of this world.

Fight, My children, fight. There is so much about to explode in the spirit realm and so many lives are going to change. Do not miss this move. Embrace the fight and hang on. You can do this through Me.

Guard your heart and protect your mind. Do not believe the enemy and what he is throwing your way. Listen to what I am saying to you and who I say you are. When you let this settle into your life, you will see just how I am moving and that the enemy cannot do what he has set out to do. Follow Me with all of your heart and place your mind and thoughts upon Me.

Freedom after freedom will take place and the influx of new souls will come in and then watch how the explosions will take place.

Step out of self and into Me. Abide in My love. Understand that My tough love is what is going to bring many through this time. Walk by faith and trust in Me and not by sight and you will see victory upon victory, miracle upon miracle take place.

Press through My children and fight. Do not entertain the thoughts of defeat and discouragement. Do what I have taught you to do and all will become well in your soul.