Why such the long face? Where have your smiles gone? If you could only see what is in store for you, yielding would not be an issue. You would not let the enemy laugh in your face.

I have brought you to this place that I am expecting you to stand. Everything can change as quickly as a choice. I have spoken to you what I have in store for you. I have laid out before you the life I want to give you. But My question to you is – Why do you let it pass you by instead of embracing it?

I have given you tools to fight. I have given you the power and the authority to destroy the enemy’s hold. Choose today to put the enemy where he belongs.

Choose today to love the life I have given you. Choose to see the gifts that I have given you are not bubble gum machine gifts, but gifts of gems and precious jewels. These are true treasures to be held and not taken lightly.

I have given you My best. Quit looking through the eyes of the enemy and see things through My eyes. My eyes are eyes of love.

Make the choice to enjoy life and not lose life. Put away the things that are pulling you away from Me. Come back to your source of life. When you do this, your whole life will change. You will only wonder why you have not done this sooner. Do not wait until it is too late.

See that what I have given you is good and embrace the treasure I have given you. Do not waste another day.