The consequences of sin are death. Death to your heart and death to your soul. You cannot expect a blessing when all you do is curse yourself over and over again. Why don’t My children understand the basic principles in My Word? Why don’t they take time out of each day to sit at My footstool and learn of Me. I ask you again Why can’t they comprehend the simple truths in My Word?

The answer – their hearts are cold and callous and they do not have room for Me nor My Kingdom any longer. One day the gnashing of teeth shall begin and many will scream out for mercy; but there will be no one to hear. {I have to be about My Father’s business}… should be the cry of each and every heart; each and every day; but that is not the case anymore.

The world has taken a severe toll on My church and My church is lost and undone and in so much disarray. When will the re-building begin in My house? When?