This is the season of endurance. There is much testing going on and there are times that I will be quiet. Do not be discouraged but press through.

Will you stay the course or will you turn around and quit? These tests will show you what you are made of and to prepare you further on what is to come.

Many people think they know what lies ahead but they do not understand the seriousness or the complex complications of it all and what the world will have to endure during this time of judgment.

You will see things that you have not been able to imagine and at times this will be hard to comprehend. You are going to have to trust that I am God and that I do know what I am doing.

You are going to have to move past what you see and stand firm upon My Word and what I have spoken to you personally. These events are testing your faith. These are designed to get you in the correct position as these things come down the pike.

Do not dismiss the test. Know that I will never leave you nor forsake you. And just because you may not hear me audibly all the time know that I will speak to you in many fashions but you have to be listening.

Allow what I have taught you to rise up and walk in it. Apply what I have given you and you will see that this time will not be as hard as your mind wants you to believe. I want you to enjoy this time. If you find the joy in it, your strength will be there and you will be able to laugh and see the beauty in all that is unfolding.

I am taking you through a training of what to do and how to handle the promises I am about to unleash before you. Keep your head high, your eyes focused on Me, and your ears in tune to My Holy Spirit and you will make it.

If you could only see what lies ahead, you would welcome this testing process and see that I do love you and all of this is for your good and My glory. You would understand that what you see now is just the piece of wood as the whittling takes place; but I know the finished product in each and every one of you if you would just endure the cutting, molding, sanding, and smoothing.