Nation is rising against nation and much calamity is going on in the world but through it all I grant peace to the souls of those who are close by to Me. There are many who are looking around seeking what is taking place in the world, filling themselves with current events and versing themselves with the strategies of the wicked.
How can darkness protect against darkness? Fill yourselves instead with My Light, My revelation, with My Spirit. So many are looking around them to the outside but they are not looking within their own vessel to see what is broken and in need of restoration.
Many are falling away because they have lost focus of the true principles. Many have become obsessed with how much they know, how they are being used, and the measure of their gifts. My people are falling into denial and have become comfortable with their Heavenly status, but My Word says to work out your salvation with fear and trembling – and to not forget from whence you came.
The Body forgets that I can raise up warriors and servants alike from stones. No one is irreplaceable, for My eyes look to measure the character and integrity of a man. I weigh the motives of the heart and see the deep and hidden things. The enemy is leading many astray to the slaughterhouse; and even the elect are finding themselves in the wrong line to destruction.
I have sent many of My prophets to warn and foretell of this hour, but many have rejected their voices and wisdom. Why? Because they did not want to suffer and live holy. Their hearts have become hardened and they could not relinquish their satisfaction of the flesh. My Spirit is grieved for those who have fallen into this category – because now they will suffer living unholy.
There are too many in My Body that are coming against Me in their hearts, and I cannot have an infection that will spread. I am separating and dividing within My House and what is left will be a pure bunch that I can work with.
The witching hour is upon My people and they must remain close to Me and I will shelter them from the fallout of the enemy’s fury.
I am calling families together and marriages together to bring forth the fullness of My Gospel and I am calling forth mighty men and women to reflect the image of My Son Jesus to a lost and dying world. But when will My people be made complete within? I have already made this available to them – but it is up to them to crucify the flesh and choose to live holy. Many in My Body are perplexed, wondering why they are not advancing nor being blessed. It is because they have not sought Me to identify the leaven within them. I cannot allow a comfortable sin to spread and grow into this new thing I am doing.
There are those who have suffered for My Namesake, that have no leaven within them – and these I have spoken to that they shall be blessed abundantly and their time is fast approaching. Theirs is not a matter of hindrance but of My perfect timing.