Rapid refunds are what many people are looking for but that is not what they are going to find. I have not called My people to give to get, but to give because they have already been given to. It is time for My people to see this and quit being dissatisfied of what I have already done for them and see the good in it.

If I was to reward for all that was done quickly then the nutrients  of what I am doing would be zapped out and not be able to hold in the goodness and flavor of My Word and My Will. It would end up being temporary, dry, and incomplete. But that is far from what I want for My people.

Open your hearts to receive in abundance, in the pace that I am giving it, and know that when I give it then it is yours. I will not leave you incomplete. What I start I do finish. Patience is a virtue. And many will learn this lesson.

Get in the steps of My perfect will. Let go of the rapid of anything and just know that I am the God who knows what is best for His beloved children and I have it all under control. Just remember to always expect the very best of My will to take place as you are obedient in Me and give Me the room to work for you and bringing your life to pass in Me.