Humility, surrender, completely sold out must be set in your life as holiness becomes your life style in Me. I am giving to My children a really good dose of these things to destroy all pride. Pride must not be a part of who you are or what you are to be for Me. I am requiring total and complete obedience and to listen to the Words I speak intently.

I am placing My people in many tests of endurance and tests of trust. I am about to do many things that is going to blow the minds of this world and show them that I am the true and only God. This is like the days of Baal. Remember My children even after seeing My power and wonders many did not turn from their wicked ways. This time will be no different.

Do not chase those who do not want Me. Reach out to those who do. Now is the time and season that I am looking for true, pure, and holy vessels to work through to show what I am going to do for My people.

There is a great need for life, free of all captivity especially the captivity of pride. Everyone seems to know best, but how many times did that work out for you?

I have many volumes of My healing power that I am ready to bestow on My children. You first have to commit and become sanctified in Me and prove that you will be steadfast and stay the course. Write down all you hear and then let Me take care of the rest.

Signs, miracles, and wonders come as you step out of the way and let Me be God. Build up your altars of praise and watch it, that it will overflow. You will experience an outpouring of My spirit and volumes upon volumes still to be written.

If you want this you must pay the price and give up all. And when you do this a brand new freedom will take place. It will be a freedom that comes from being holy and humble and walking completely in My Spirit.

Will you serve Me or will you serve Baal? The choice is yours.  Let go of the pride and just enjoy surrendering all to Me and allow Me to have the driver’s seat completely.